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晶粒內破裂 fracture,transcrystalline
易碎性 fragility
破片,彈片 fragment
碎切層片 fragmental chip
碎片效應 fragmentation effect
殺傷手榴彈 fragmentation grenade
核子碎裂 fragmentation of neucleus
框,架,車架,梁架 frame
架材(造船) frame bar
框體平面圖 frame body plan
框形砂心盒(鑄造) frame core box
框架隔條(鑄造) frame cross piece
車架橫梁 frame cross-member
車架橫梁 frame cross-tie
框門 frame door
機架底腳 frame foundation
框裹襯 frame liner
框架構件 frame member
框架模數(船) frame modulus
十字線框 frame of cross-hairs
十字線框 frame of cross-wires
參考坐標 frame of reference
架板,框式壓力板 frame plate
框鋸,弓鋸 frame saw
車架邊梁 frame side member
車架鑲接 frame splice
框拱 framed arch
構成架 framed beat
構架構造 framed construction
懸臂構架橋 framed contilever  bridge
架構 framed structure
構架,構架工作 framework
構架 framing
構架體平面圖 framing body plan
穿眼鑿 framing chisel
構架立面圖 framing elevation
法式(水)輪機 Francis (water) turbine
自由汽球 free balloon
乾舷(造船) free board
分離體,自由體 free body
分離體 free body diagram
不結膠煤 free burning coal
自燃混合氣 free burning mixture
遊離碳 free carbon
遊離雪明碳體 free cementite
自由電荷 free charge
遊離氯 free chlorine
無操縱安定性(航空) free control stability
自由對流 free convection
自由橫滑 free cross slide
易削 free cutting
易削黃銅 free cutting brass
易削鋼 free cutting steel
自由放電 free dischage
自由電子 free electron
自由端 free end
自由能 free energy
自由排洩 free exhaust
自由膨脹 free expansion
自由落體 free falling body
單體肥粒鐵 free ferrite
自由配合 free fit
自由群 free group
徒手畫 free hand drawing
徒手草圖 free hand sketch
有效氫,單體氫 free hvdrogen
自由噴束 free jet
自由長,無負載長度(彈簧) free length
空線 free line
易選金銀礦砂 free milling ore
自由水分 free moisture
自由擺吽A自由振盪 free oscillation
單體氧 free oxygen
自由動路 free path
自由活塞壓縮機 free piston compressor
自由活塞動力機 free piston engine
自由旋轉 free rotation
無負載運動速率 free running speed
清水砂 free sand
自由沈降 free settling
自由空間 free space
自由狀態 free state
自由流(航空) free stream
自由流線(航空) free stream-line
自由表面 free surface
自由振動 free vibration
自由旋渦 free vortex
自由水 free water
自由波 free wave
高速公路 free way
自轉輪 free wheel
自由轉動離合器 free wheel (roller)clutch
自由轉動過速離合器 free wheel overrunning clutch
自由轉輪機構 free wheeling
冷凍箱,冷凍庫 freezer
凝固,凍結 freezing
凝固點曲線 freezing (point) curve
冷凍室 freezing chamber
凍結法 freezing method
冷凍劑 freezing mixture
凝固點,冰點 freezing point
冰點下降 freezing point depression
冰點法 freezing point method
凍結方法 freezing process
凝固範圍 freezing range
防凍試驗 freezing resistance test
凝固溫度 freezing temperature
貨車 freight car
貨物升降機 freight elevator
貨運機車 freight engine
貨運機車 freight locomative
貨物月臺,裝卸台 freight platform
貨物站 freight station
貨物列車 freight train
貨車 freight truck
貨物船 freight vessel
貨物車場 freight yard
貨車渡船 freight-car ferry boat
貨物船,貨運飛機 freighter
貨物線(鐵路) freight-traffic line
鐨 fremium(Fm)
法國式圓盤針織機 French circular knitting fram
曲線板 French curve
法國制線號規 French wire gage
氟氯烷冷凍劑 freon
氟氯烷玻璃棉 freon fibrous glass
氫氯烷泡沫體 freon filled foam
頻率,週率 frequency
[國際電信]頻率分配 frequency allocation
[國際電信]頻率分配 frequency allotment
頻率分析(物) frequency analysis
頻率分析 frequency analyzer
變頻機 frequency changer
頻率特性 frequency characteristics
頻率控制 frequency control
變頻機 frequency converter
變頻真空管 frequency converter tube
頻率曲線 frequency curve
倍降變頻機 frequency demultiplier
次數分佈(品管),頻率分佈 frequency distribution
分頻器 frequency divider
頻率方程式 frequency equation
視頻器 frequency indicator
頻率計 frequency meter
頻率監察器 frequency monitor
振動頻率 frequency of vibration
頻率範圍 frequency range
頻率紀錄 frequency record
頻率紀錄器 frequency recorder
頻率電驛 frequency relay
頻率穩定度 frequency stability
頻率標準 frequency standard
頻率公差 frequency tolerance
頻率變換 frequency transformation
圓頻率 frequency,circular
初諧頻率 frequency,first harmonic
高諧頻率 frequency,highter harmonic
固有頻率 frequency,natural
新鮮空氣 fresh air
淡水 fresh water
清水過濾機 fresh water filter
淡水滿載喫水線(船) fresh water load line
清水泵,淡水泵 fresh water pumper
淡水槽 fresh water tank
新鮮空氣入口 fresh-air inlet
新鮮空氣入口 fresh-air intake
洩水流 freshet
格子紋 fret
鏤鋸,鋼絲鋸 fret saw
鏤鋸機,鋼絲鋸機 fret sawing machine
細鉛條 fretted lead
磨耗 fretting wear
摩擦,摩擦力 friction
摩擦角 friction angle
摩擦面積 friction area
牽引裝置 friction block
摩擦人,摩擦煞車 friction brake
摩擦緩衝器 friction buffer
摩擦光澤機 friction calender
摩擦掣子 friction catch
摩擦圓 friction circle
摩擦離合器 friction clutch
摩擦離合聯結器 friction clutch coupling
雙錐摩擦離合器 friction clutch with double cone
摩擦係數 friction coefficient
摩擦補償 friction compensation
摩擦圓錐 friction cone
摩擦圓錐驅動 friction cone drive
摩擦減振器 friction damper
摩擦阻尼 friction damping
摩擦圓盤 friction disc
摩擦圓板式(變速機) friction disc type
摩擦牽引裝置 friction draft gear
摩擦阻力 friction drag
摩擦鑽機 friction drilling machine
摩擦驅動 friction drive
摩擦測功p friction dynamometer
摩擦增強 friction enhancement
摩擦因數 friction factor
摩擦進給動作 friction feed motion
摩擦力 friction force
摩擦機構 friction gear
摩擦輪傳動 friction gearing
摩擦夾鉗 friction grip
摩擦落差 friction head
摩擦馬力 friction horsepower
摩擦鍵 friction key
摩擦捏手 friction knob
摩擦襯層 friction lining
摩擦損失 friction loss
摩擦材料 friction material
運動摩擦 friction of motion
摩擦阻爪 friction pawl
摩擦椿 friction pile
摩擦板 friction plate
摩擦點 friction point
摩擦式壓機 friction press
摩擦壓力 friction pressure
摩擦底火(彈藥) friction primer
摩擦棘輪 friction ratchet
摩擦棘輪機構 friction ratchet gear
摩擦阻力 friction resistance
摩擦環 friction ring
摩擦輥 friction roll
摩擦滾子 friction roller
摩擦滾子驅動 friction roller driver
摩擦鋸 friction saw
摩擦鋸機 friction sawing machine
摩擦螺旋壓機 friction screw press
摩擦式減震器 friction shock absorber
摩擦坡度 friction slope
摩擦減震裝置 friction snubbing device
絕緣膠帶 friction tape
摩擦試驗 friction test
摩擦試驗機 friction tester
摩擦扭矩 friction torque
摩擦傳動 friction transimission
摩擦速度 friction velocity
摩擦尾流 friction wake
摩擦墊圈 friction washer
摩擦熔接 friction welding
摩擦輪 friction wheel
摩擦輪驅動 friction wheel drive
摩擦絞車 friction winch
摩擦力界(輥軋) friction zone
摩擦角 friction,angle of
軸承摩擦 friction,bearing
皮帶摩擦 friction,belt
摩擦係數 friction,coefficient of
摩擦圓錐 friction,cone of
失潤摩擦 friction,coulomb
動摩擦 friction,dynamic
流體摩擦 friction,fluid
動摩擦 friction,kinetic
樞軸摩擦 friction,pivot
排吸摩擦 friction,pumping
滾動摩擦 friction,rolling
滑動摩擦 friction,sliding
靜摩擦 friction,static
摩擦力偶 frictional couple
摩擦落差 frictional drop
摩擦效應 frictional effect
摩擦電 frictional electricity
摩擦起電器 frictional electrostatic machine
摩擦熱 frictional heat
摩擦損失試驗 frictional loss test
彩色光紋,光柵 fringe
燒結成爐底 fritted hearth bottom
融砂,燒毀砂 fritted sand
燒結 fritting
岔心 frog
徹叉角 frog angle
前輪驅動軸 front [drive] propeller shaft
前面角(斜齒輪) front angle
前拱 front arch
前輪軸 front axle
前保險槓 front bumper
前隙角 front clearance angle
前圓錐(斜齒輪的) front cone
前輓群 front couple
前間梁 front crosstie
前部減震器 front damper
前底板(蒸汽機車) front deck
前輪驅動車(汽車) front drive car
前緣 front edge
正視圖 front elevation [drawing]
前引擎汽車 front engine car
前進給 front feed
前擋泥板 front fender
前面填角熔接 front filled weld
前凸緣 front flange
前從動塊(連結器) front follower
前面玻璃(投光裝置) front glass
前管集箱 front header
前輪轂 front hub
前主軸承 front main bearing
前裝架 front mounting
前傾角 front rake angle
前輥 front roll
前座 front seat
準星 front sight
前方除渣(熔鐵爐) front slagging
前彈簧 front spring
前管板 front tube plate
正視圖,前視圖 front view
前水箱 front water box
前水輪機 front water turbine
前水管壁 front water wall
前輪 front wheel
前輪軸承 front wheel bearing
前輪驅動 front wheel drive
前輪懸弔裝置 front wheel suspension [gear]
迎風面積 frontal area
正面投影面積 frontal projected area
積霜 frost deposit
防凍閥 frost valve
磨砂玻璃 frosted glass
結晶清漆 frosting varnish
泡沫 froth
泡沫滅火機 froth fire extinguisher
泡沫浮選(礦) froth flotation
起泡沫現象 frothing
" Froude [water] brake
" Froude hydraulic dynamometer"
拒充電池組 frozen battery"
冷凍貨物 frozen cargo
凍藏室 frozen food compartment
熱氣爐暖氣 fruance heating
破裂應力 fructure,stress
水果菜蔬乾燥機(農機) fruit and vegetable drier
青<<eng004>>船 fruit carrier
青<<eng004>>分等機 fruit grader
削皮器 fruit peeler
搾果汁機 fruit press
果醬機 fruit pulper
除核機(農機) fruit seeder
截頭錐,錐台 frustum
截頭圓錐,圓錐台 frustum of cone
截頭角錐,角錐台 frustum of pyramid
殺傷炸彈 ftagmentation bomb
燃料 fuel
油氣混合體分析器 fuel air mixture analyzer
燃料空氣比 fuel air ratio
燃料層 fuel bed
燃料倉 fuel bin
燃料杯 fuel bowl
燃料燃燒器 fuel burner
燃料容量 fuel capacity
燃料電池 fuel cell
燃料消耗量 fuel consumption
燃料消耗量曲線 fuel consumption curve
燃料控制 fuel contral
燃料停供閥 fuel cut-off valve
燃料滅爆器 fuel dope
燃料節減器 fuel economizer
燃料經濟 fuel economy
燃料進給系統 fuel feed system
燃料進給器 fuel feeder
燃料過濾器 fuel filter
濾油器芯 fuel filter element
濾油網 fuel filter screen
燃料撓性管 fuel flexible pipe
燃油流量表 fuel flow meter
燃油量錶 fuel gage
燃料氣 fuel gas
燃油指示計 fuel indicator
燃油噴射,燃油噴油法 fuel injection
燃料噴射裝置 fuel injection device
燃油噴嘴 fuel injection nozzle
燃油噴射管 fuel injection pipe
燃油噴射泵 fuel injection pump
噴油電點火發動機 fuel injection spark ignition engine
燃油噴射系統 fuel injection system
燃油噴射節流噴嘴 fuel injection throttle nozzle
然油噴射閥 fuel injection valve
燃油噴射器 fuel injector
燃料入口 fuel inlet
燃料爆震 fuel knock
油位錶 fuel level gage
油位指示器 fuel level indicator
燃油極限餘量 fuel limit clearance
燃料管線 fuel line
燃油氣阻 fuel lock
燃料損失 fuel loss
燃料計 fuel meter
燃料量規定 fuel metering
燃料定量噴嘴(氣化器) fuel metering jet
油量調整針(氣化器) fuel metering rod
燃料混合物 fuel mixture
燃料噴嘴 fuel nozzle
燃料油 fuel oil
燃料油分析 fuel oil analysis
燃料油分配箱 fuel oil distributing box
燃料油過濾器 fuel oil filter
燃料油泵 fuel oil pump
燃料油油量計 fuel oil quantity gage
燃料油槽 fuel oil tank
燃料油試驗 fuel oil test
燃油孔口 fuel orifice
燃料出口 fuel outlet
燃油管 fuel pipe
燃油壓力錶 fuel pressure gage
起動注油泵 fuel priming pump
燃油泵 fuel pump
燃油量計 fuel quantity gage
給油齒條連桿組 fuel rack linkage
燃料耗用率 fuel rate
燃料分等,燃料等級 fuel rating
燃料成分比 fuel ratio
備分燃料箱 fuel reserve tank
燃料比衝(噴射機) fuel specific impulse
燃料噴霧 fuel spray
燃油濾器 fuel strainer
燃料供給 fuel supply
燃料系統 fuel system
燃料箱,燃油箱 fuel tank
燃油箱加油口 fuel tank filler
燃料槽濾器 fuel tank strainer
燃油箱通氣孔 fuel tank vent
燃油注射定時 fuel timing
燃油槽 fuel trough
燃燒值 fuel value
燃料閥 fuel valve
起動用汽化裝置(汽車) fuel vaporizer
氣體燃料 fuel, gaseous
液體燃料 fuel,liquid
固體燃料 fuel,solid
支點 fulcrum
支架托 fulcrum bracket
支架銷 fulcrumpin
足尺比例 full [size] scale
全開引進 full admission
全開引進輪機 full admission turbine
完全退火 full annealing
全軸軸承 full bearing
滿裝 full capacity
滿細胞注油法(木材處理) full cell process
全頂尖 full center
裝滿,充滿 full charge
全塗膜 full coat
全高輪齒形 full depth tooth form
全齒 full depth(gear) tooth
螺紋外徑 full diameter of thread
滿載喫水(船航) full draft
全艦飾 full dress
全橢圓彈簧 full elliptic spring
全順螺旋槳 full feathering propeller
全填角熔接 full fillet weld
全浮式軸 full floating axle
全浮式轂 full floating hub
全浮式軸頸 full floating journal
全水平當量 full horizontal equivalent
量表全程量 full indicator movement (F I M)
量表全程讀數 full indicator reading (F I R)
全長彈簧板 full length leaf (spring)
全升閥 full lift valve
實線 full line
滿載,全負載 full load
全負載扭矩 full load torque
全模法(鑄造) full mold process
全定位 full normal
全開 full opening
全部操作(生產管制) full operation
滿周流出 full peripheral discharge
全節距繞組 full pitch winding
全提動 full poppet
全功v,全力 full power
全力試轉 full power trial
全壓力 full pressure
全壓潤滑 full pressure lubrication
足尺模型 full scale model
重構船 full scanting vessel
全剖面 full section [view]
全周覆環 full shroud
足尺,實物大小 full size
足尺圖 full size drawing
全側緣活塞 full skirted piston
全速 full speed
全編結 full splice
全搭頭接合 full splice joint
全停 full stop
全強度 full strength
全衝程 full stroke
全螺紋 full thread
全開節流閥 full throttle
鈍刀具 full tools
(尖V形螺紋)大拖車 full trailer (Sharp V-thread)
全視圖 full view
全電壓起動電動機 full voltage starting motor
全V形螺紋 full V-thread
全波 full wave
全波整電流(電) full wave rectification
全重 full weight
重熔接 full welding
半圓拱 full-centered arch
滿載喫水 full-draft
半圓型鎚 fuller
富拉電池 Fuller cell
球塞龍頭 fuller faucet
圓槽鎚,半圓型鎚 fuller hammer
歛縫工具 fullering tool
填隙,歛縫 fullering(caulking,calking)
漂白土 Fuller's earth
全壓進給 full-force feed
全開口 full-gate opening
全速,全開位置 full-gear
全負載電流 full-load current
全負載效率 full-load efficiency
滿載試驗,全負載試驗 full-load test
豐滿皮(表面粗度) fullness
全波整流管 full-wave rectifier tube
帽形軌條 full-web-section rail
煙氣 fume
煙氣控制 fume control
煙氣排出 fume exhaust
耐煙氣型電機 fume-resisting machine
發煙硝酸 fuming nitricacid
發煙硫酸 fuming sulfuricacid
函數,功峞A作用 function
函數行列式 function determinant
函數之演生 function generation
函數演生機構 function generator
複變數函數 function of complex variable
實變數函數 function of real variable
作用試驗 functional test
基本頻率 fundamental frequency
基本群 fundamental group
基本操作 fundamental operation
基本振盪 fundamental oscillation
基本三角形(螺紋形) fundamental triangle (thread)
基本單位 fundamental unit
基本波(振動) fundamental wave
基本波長 fundamental wave length
索曲線 funicular curve
連力圖 funicular diagram
連力多邊形 funicular polygon
漏斗,煙囪外套 funnel
煙囪面積 funnel area
煙囪殼 funnel casing
自然通風 funnel draft
煙囪拉條 funnel stay
漏斗管 funnel tube
機能線圖 funtional diagram
函數方程式 funtional equation
作用調節 funtional governing
函數記號 funtional symbol
<<an017>>喃(塑膠) furan
爐前金屬件 furance front
煙道氣 furance gas
爐篦 furance grate
爐之異狀 furance inregularity
裝爐(工程) furance installation
爐襯 furance lining
熔化工 furance man
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